G.E.M.シリーズ デジモンアドベンチャー エンジェウーモン&八神ヒカリ 1/8スケール 彩色済み完成品フィギュア

G.E.M.シリーズ デジモンアドベンチャー エンジェウーモン&八神ヒカリ 1/8スケール 彩色済み完成品フィギュア


Product Description


From the G.E.M. Digimon Adventure series, "Yagami Hikari" partner, Digimon Tailmon, has appeared in the complete body of the "Angelomon" series. The appearance of "Angeloumon" is captivating many fans due to the beauty of the goddess is reproduced in a size of approximately 8.7 inches (22 cm) and is painted as the same image in the movie. The goddess of the digital world comes with eight wings on the back and a leotard-style outfit for a neat and troubled appearance. This is a 3D model with a composition that gives you the drama of the Hikari chasing the Angeloumon, and the drama that gently watch over it. We hope you can display them together with the "Yagami Hikari & Tailmon" (sold separately) and enjoy the adventures of the Hikari them at hand.

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